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Jan. 22, 2024

Word of Encouragement- Breathing Through the Growth Process [110]

Word of Encouragement- Breathing Through the Growth Process [110]

Experiencing growing pains is a universal aspect of life—those moments where we find ourselves navigating uncharted territories, learning to operate in a different way. Kristin shares a story that resonates with the spirit of every kingdom...

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Podcast Coaching for Female Entrepreneurs with Kristin Fields Chadwick

Experiencing growing pains is a universal aspect of life—those moments where we find ourselves navigating uncharted territories, learning to operate in a different way. Kristin shares a story that resonates with the spirit of every kingdom podcaster, offering a perspective on embracing growth.

Picture this: You're in the midst of growth, and suddenly, panic sets in. It's that instinctual reaction when faced with a new situation, a challenge, or a shift in the familiar. The natural response is to seek a way out, to escape the discomfort. But what if, instead of fleeing, we learn to breathe through the growth process?

When we find ourselves sitting in that space of discomfort, it's an opportunity to recognize that this is where the real transformation happens. Trusting God in the midst of the unknown allows us to breathe, breaking free from the instinct to enter a state of fight or flight.

As kingdom podcasters, we are not exempt from the trials of growth. We, too, face moments of uncertainty and discomfort. But let's encourage one another to breathe through it, to embrace the process, and to find solace in the truth that God is intricately woven into every step of our journey.


Quotes from Today’s Episode:

“There are times when we will be uncomfortably pushed”

“Trust that God is in the process”

“We get to become comfortable with the uncomfortable”

“The end result is going to be growth”


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